Friday, June 8, 2012

Cannot think of a clever title...look colors!

Sadly, I cannot come up with any "punny" titles, maybe I need to look at some more Hannah Hart videos...

This thing started as a way to dump the VAST amount of pictures stored on my computer, but as I do not like making anything easy for myself, apparently, it quickly dissolved into a hair/lifestyle/summer/cool pictures inspiration type thing.

So, it's completely random.

I was just bored when I made this.

So bored.


(Click photos to enlarge)
Hazel Scott

Charlotte Linton AW12 collection

Demona Le Fright BLOG

Internet K-Hole BLOG

Vashtie Kola (The Girl Crush of my life)

Jeannie Bogan

William Eggleston

My best friend told me about the beautiful Cameroonian singer, Ntjam Rosie, ages ago, and I wanted an excuse to post her music. She sounds a bit like Sade with Afro-Caribbean touches. I think her hair and style are plenty cute too!

I'm off to watch Pushing Daisies from beginning to end.

-Peace & Hair Grease.


  1. this post has just reminded me that i only watched the first few episodes of pushing daisies and then completely forgot about it! thanking you :)
    i'm following you, and uh, i feel awkward about this, but following me back would make me eternally grateful :D

    Rosie Say Relax

    1. Anything with Lee Pace's face(and eyebrows) is a must see. Your blog is cool! It makes me want to visit the UK, even though I'm way too poor.


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