Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's A Wonderful Life

The amount of strange and bizarre movies there are out there about "womanhood" are in no shortage. This just may be the MOST ABSOLUTELY STUNNING one I've ever seen...

Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (originally Valerie A Tyden Divu), is a Czech movie, based on a book, about a girl and her period. Oh, if only it were that simple. You see, Valerie's menstrual cycle cause a series of terrifying surreal events to happen around her.

Lustful priests, a jealous and pious grandmother, and brief encounters with the debauched residents of Valerie's picturesque town all threaten this extremely pivotal, vulnerable moment in her life.

It's not clear who can be trusted or feared in this movie. Or if anything in this movie is a dream or reality. That vague distinction made the film work for me. The set design is spectacular and immaculate. Everything works just the right way in this movie, even things that seem the most irrelevant.

The synopsis compares this movie to Snow White or Alice in Wonderland, which I suppose does traditionally fit. I also think it shares many similarities with Pan's Labyrinth for the same dream/reality dynamic, adult fairytale elements, and idealistic doe-eyed protagonist.

I heard about this movie in so many different places, but the Broadcast album, Haha Sound, made me finally check it out, since it's heavily inspired by the film. There are alot of religious and sexual overtures in this movie that may make it an uncomfortable watch. Did I mention the lead actress was only THIRTEEN when this movie was made!?

The thought of doing a style collage for this movie crossed my mind, but I gave up and just watched it again and again and again. Here's some awesome news, the full film is on YouTube with English subs!!!

Like seriously, watch

All poorly done screencaps by yours truly.

-Peace & Hair Grease.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Plaid Girls' Club

Oh god, that title sounds like a Macy's Uniform ad :-(

So uhhhhherrrm yeah. It may be a bit early for most folks, but in Georgia, kids are already in school/headed back to school! Including yours truly (begrudgingly of course).

One thing I've always wanted was the perfect little school girl uniform, complete with plaid skirt, crisp blouse, knee highs, and Mary Janes/ saddle shoes. Of course, now that I am technically a *cough* adult *cough* it seems a bit strange...

I have yet to find the perfect little plaid ensemble, but here's a few images that have inspired me to take this look on:
Click photos to enlarge.

Empire Records

The Craft trailer

Marc Jacobs AW12

Rosario Dawson 25th Hour

School Daze

Back to school and plaid...I know how wholly original :-p In other news:

I've taken to queuing posts more often! Well, not entirely by choice, but because I have no time for anything until the weekend :-( I'm writing a guest post for Vintage Fee that should be up some time with in the next two weeks. I'll add a link when that happens. Also, this is my first time using Polyvore for a collage. I'm not 100% sold. It is more efficient and organic looking than MS Paint (which is what I've used in the past).